Tantric Massage
Through Tantric massage we work the body not only on a physical level (like all massages) but also on an energetic level. During the session the sexual energy is awakened and used for different purposes, depending on the depth of the work.
Releasing tension, emotions and whatever can come out that creates a sense of healing.
It is much more than a massage, it is a deep healing.
Is one of the few tools that use Sexual Energy to cleanse and purify our physical, emotional and mental bodies by refining the energy and raising it to the heart.
It allows us to directly and deeply awaken the body, becoming more fluid, spongy and spontaneous. It enhances feelings of joy through conscious breathing, connects our sexual, creative and vital energy with the heart and unveils the true essence of each of us.
It is loving another human being with your hands, your body, your energy.
It is to accompany them so that their body relaxes, emotional residues are released and energy flows freely.
Loving touch and massage is the most powerful and direct tool to get in touch with your vulnerability and your fire.
Tantric massage
What will we do together
Initial talk
A first contact where I will get to know you better by asking you some questions.
Ritual of attunement and energetic harmonisation where I will introduce you to tantric breathing, preparing you to enter into the state of relaxation that is conducive to receiving the massage.
Whole-body Massage
Starting the massage with the activation of erogenous zones I will move the whole body, both in the prone and supine position, in an relaxing and deep massage.
Yoni Massage
We awaken the subtle erotic body, the most sensitive areas and stimulate the energy channels, preparing the body to receive the sexual energy that is awakened and channelled during the Yoni massage. And we are talking about massage, not manual stimulation.
Energetic closure
What is very important during the whole session is to allow yourself to feel and express absolutely anything that comes up: pleasure, sadness, anger, rage, frustration.... Surrender yourself totally open and receptive to the experience, enjoying the pleasure of feeling alive.
Still not sure you are in the right place?
Still not sure which massage is best for you? Do you have any questions about Tantra? Want to get to know me better? Book your free consultation with me! I look forward to meeting you.