Couple Massage
Massaging and using sexual energy, not to discharge it as usual, but to mobilise it and raise it to the heart, can completely transform your sexuality and your love encounters.
With couple massage you can have the opportunity to enjoy together the pleasure of being touched by the heart, with the utmost respect, presence and gentleness, arriving together and in a synchronized way at a deep ecstasy, connecting sexuality with the heart.
We will be two masseurs working in parallel in the same space with two clients.

Couple massage
What will we do together
Initial talk
A first contact where we will get to know you better by asking you some questions around your sexual sphere.
Ritual of attunement and energetic harmonisation where I will introduce you to tantric breathing, preparing you to enter into the state of relaxation that is conducive to receiving the massage.
Whole-body Massage
Starting the massage with the activation of erogenous zones we will move the whole body, both in the prone and supine position, in an relaxing and deep massage.
Yoni & Lingam
We awaken the subtle erotic body, the most sensitive areas and stimulate the energy channels, preparing the body to receive the sexual energy that is awakened and channelled during the Yoni & Lingam massage. And we are talking about massage, not manual stimulation.
Energetic Closure
Clients assume that sometimes painful thoughts (jealousy, anger, sadness) may arise when they feel that their partner is being massaged by another person. This is part of the voluntary process and of the path that each couple wishes to initiate and go through, and we, the facilitators, make ourselves available to the clients to be able to accompany the emotions that may arise.
Still not sure you are in the right place?
Still not sure which massage is best for you? Do you have any questions about Tantra? Want to get to know me better? Book your free consultation with me! I look forward to meeting you.