Massage in Palma de Mallorca by Michele Fasulo
Relaxing Massage
  1. 60 minutes
  2. In the studio
  3. Relaxing
Tantric massage by Michele Fasulo
Michele Fasulo embracing a client
Tantric technique by Michele Fasulo
Tantric technique with peacock feather by Michele Fasulo
Tantra massage Mallorca Michele Fasulo
Tantra massage Mallorca Michele Fasulo
Initial Talk Only
  1. 40 minutes
  2. In the studio
  3. Talking
Tantra Mallorca Michele Fasulo
Relaxing Massage
  1. 60 minutes
  2. In the studio
  3. Relaxing
Tantric massage by Michele Fasulo
Holistic Massage
  1. 120 minutes
  2. On tatami
  3. Relaxing + Ritual
michele fasulo tantra mallorca
