Holistic massage
Holistic Integral Massage is a more westernised form of tantric massage.
It begins with a relaxing massage, loosening every part of the body, loosening the physical and mental stiffness generated by the stress of everyday life.
With the help of the breath, the energy that is released from the energy knots begins to circulate freely throughout the body, leading the person to a state of mental relaxation and activation of the sensory body.
It is performed on a futon and, like tantric massage, includes massage of the genital area, integrating sexuality as an essential part of the human being, but eliminating the mystical and ritualistic essence of Tantra.
In a respectful, harmonious and natural way, the massage begins in the genital area to slowly awaken the sexual energy, recognise it, breathe it, expand it and channel it through the subtle body, allowing us to become aware of our sexuality and live it in a more conscious and loving way.
It can be a first approach to tantric experience and sexuality.
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Still not sure which massage is best for you? Do you have any questions about Tantra? Want to get to know me better? Book your free consultation with me! I look forward to meeting you.