About me
Hi, I'm Michele Fasulo
My journey through Tantra began years ago when I had the opportunity to reconnect more fully with myself and surrender to my natural passions and predispositions.
I have always had a "tantric" attitude towards life, that natural predisposition to Give and Love unconditionally, and rejoice in giving. I have recognized love as my own true nature, feeling the source of love in my own radiant heart.
I, therefore, attended several professional training courses as a tantric massage therapist at The school of Verma Rodriguez, Tantric Daya school. My practice combines the techniques I have learned with my natural giving-oriented nature to be a channel of unconditional love between people and the universe. Through ancient teachings, practices, massage, and meditations I will guide you to reconnect with your deepest self.
"There is nothing like love when it comes to healing human wounds. Techniques can be helpful when used as a support, but what is most important is not the technique but a loving heart."
- Osho
A connection with your deepest self
Tantric Massage
What is Tantra?
"The word 'tantra' means the technique, the method, the way, so it is not philosophical. It is not concerned with intellectual problems and investigations. It is not concerned with the 'why' of things: it is concerned with the 'how', not with what truth is but with how it can be attained".
Tantra uses hundreds of techniques to strip away all the conditioning of your armour, social, religious, moralistic and repressive, and to reach the state of absolute freedom, which is why it is confused with technique. But make no mistake, the techniques only serve to dismantle your ego. Nothing more and nothing less.
Tantra invites you to go inside and become more aware of yourself. Your fears, your judgements, your beliefs, your habits, your wounds, your body, your energy, your consciousness. It is the pure observation of all the contradictions of being human: man-woman, sadness-joy, love-hate, sex-spirit. Without judgement, without repression, without rejecting anything. Welcoming everything in your heart.
"the key principle of tantra lies in the fact that the universe we experience is the concrete manifestation of the divine energy that creates and maintains it: tantric practices seek to contact and channel that energy into the human microcosm."
- David Gordon White
What is the purpose of tantric massage?
Tantric massage is a massage technique that is part of the teachings of Tantra, with a spiritual purpose, healing and connection through the union of soul to soul, releasing the veils of the EGO and the limitations of the mind. Through bodywork, the aim is to awaken the sexual energy, the Kundalini energy, the energy of life, in a natural and loving way, and with the utmost care towards the client.
The ultimate aim of awakening this energy is to help the client to free his body, in a progressive way, not necessarily in a single session, of those energetic blockages that limit him in the full enjoyment of life. By awakening the Kundalini energy, higher states of consciousness can be reached by working at the energetic level in the subtle body.
Amongst the many benefits of tantric massage, the client can improve their relationships, increase their vital energy, increase their confidence and security, increase their sensations, etc.
What are the benefits of tantric massage?
The benefits of this massage are not only intended to stimulate the sexual desire of the couple, but it is also an excellent technique to get rid of anxiety and to get to know one's own body:
- Relaxing the musculature and contractures
- Stimulate and calm the nervous system
- Relax the joints
- Relieve aches and pains
- Restore metabolic balance
- Reactivate blood and lymphatic circulation
- Stimulate the body's own self-healing capacity
- Relaxing the mind
- Provide health and well-being
- Sensitises the body
- Helps awaken and expand sexual energy throughout the body
Massage is one of the most beautiful forms of communication between lovers, it relaxes and sensitizes, blesses and purifies. It is an ecstatic dance that brings people closer to their original divine form. A ritual of adoration of the body that allows us to feel the most sublime joy of all, to feel Love.
- Verma
What is the difference between erotic massage and tantric massage?
Tantric massage is not an erotic massage, which has as its purpose orgasm or male or female ejaculation, nor intercourse between client and masseur. It is an integral massage technique through which we work on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels. This integral work of the body includes the massage of yoni or lingam (genitality), if the person gives consent for it. The massage takes place in a sacred space of deep respect and care.
During the practice of massage a genuine encounter between two human beings takes place. In tantric massage the client is in the attitude of receiving, and the masseur (Daka or Dakini) is in the attitude of giving, of service to the client. The Daka or Dakini are the channels of transmission of the universal masculine energy (Shiva), or in his case of the universal feminine sexual energy (Shakti).
In this way there is no identification with the person giving the massage, but in the process of giving, the Daka/Dakinis become a channel, transmitters of energy of love, time, touch, and consciousness so that the person receiving can surrender and abandon themselves to the process of feeling and receiving, to their own healing process.
This does not mean that tantric massage is better or worse than erotic massage, this judgement comes from the mind conditioned by religion and society. They are different massages that reach different people according to their personal and spiritual path.
I feel scared to be obliged to do things that I don’t want.
This holistic work on the body includes yoni or lingam (genital) massage, if the person so consents. The massage is performed in a sacred space of deep respect and care.This holistic work on the body includes yoni or lingam (genital) massage, if the person so consents.
The massage is performed in a sacred space of deep respect and care.This holistic work on the body includes yoni or lingam (genital) massage, if the person so consents. The massage is performed in a sacred space of deep respect and care.
And apart from the client's prior consent, in case there are parts of the body that do not want to be touched, throughout the massage the massage therapist is always listening in presence and attentive at all times to the body's reactions in a continuous interaction with the client, especially non-verbal.
Tantra: alone or with a partner?
Tantra is mainly an individual path.
A path of freedom.
I recommend starting with an individual path, through the massage for example, and then considering taking part in seminars or couple sessions that you can do with your partner.
What to read about tantra ?
Ketan Raventós Klein Awakening the inner master and healing emotional wounds
Lorin Roche : the Radiant Sutras
Osho : the Book of secrets – The royal song of Saraha – Tantra supreme Understanding
David Frawley : Inner Tantric Yoga – Tantric Yoga and the Wisdom Godesses
Keith Dowan : Sky Dancer – The secret Life and Songs of the Lady Yeshe Tsogyel
Still not sure you are in the right place?
Still not sure which massage is best for you? Do you have any questions about Tantra? Want to get to know me better? Book your free consultation with me! I look forward to meeting you.